Accreditations and Authorizations

Accreditation/Authorizations Entity

Accreditations and Authorizations

Organismo Argentino de Acreditación (OAA)

Accredited by OAA as a Product Certification Body under N° OCP 020 in compliance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard.

GLOBALG.A.P. – The Global Partnership for Good Agricultural Practice

Accredited by OAA for GLOBALG.A.P. standard’s certification, which supervises compliance with Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.) program for: fruits and vegetables, bulk crops, bovine and ovine cattle, dairy cattle and poultry. OIA is monitored by GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Integrity Programme (CIPRO).

Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Argentine Republic

Senasa – National Service for Food Safety and Quality of the Argentine Republic

– Verified by Senasa in meeting the requirements set by Standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012 – EN 45.011 about general criteria for certification bodies operating under standards monitored by Senasa.

– Authorized by Senasa to certify organic products of animal origin in the Republic of Argentina, in the National Register of Certification Bodies for Organic Products under Senasa Registry N° 001, by Note 15/94-GAPAF.

– Authorized by Senasa to certify organic products of vegetal origin in the Republic of Argentina, in the National Register of Certification Bodies for Organic Products under Senasa Registry N° 098, by Senasa’s Resolution 274/93.

– Authorized by Senasa for the certification of Preserved Identity – Non GMOs, in the National Register of Certification Bodies for Preserved Identity under N° 001, by Senasa Resolution 61/2000.

– Authorized by Senasa to certify Food Quality Attributes by Senasa’s Resolution N° 280/2001, in the National Register of Certification Bodies in Food Quality under N° 001, by Senasa’s Resolution 148/02.

“Alimentos Argentinos, una Elección Natural” (Argentine Food, a Natural Choice)

– Authorized by MinAgri to audit the seal “Alimentos Argentinos, una Elección Natural” (Argentine Food, a Natural Choice), derived from Senasa’s authorization to certify Food Quality Attributes under Senasa’s Resolution N° 280/2001, in the National Register of Certification Bodies in Food Quality under N° 001.

European Union

– Authorized by Senasa and recognized by the European Union, in compliance with Regulation 834/2007 (ex 2092/91) of the European Commission for Organic Agriculture, which recognizes the Republic of Argentina as a third country for the certification of organic products to the European Union, since the equivalence approval of both organic standards.

apanese Agricultural Standard

– Authorized by MinAgri for the certification of organic products to Japan, according to the equivalences of organic standards between Senasa and MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan) regarding JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard).


Accredited by IOAS in compliance with Standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012 about general requirements for certification bodies, with the following scope:

(1) Equivalent European Union Organic Production and Processing Standard for third countries (IACB) (1) International Accredited Certification Bodies Equivalent European Union Organic Production and Processing Standard for third countries (IACB)

(2) OIA Standards for Organic Production (OIA Standards for Organic Production).

(3) Law No. 20.089 (Chile) – National System of Certification of Organic Agricultural Products

(4) Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production and labeling of organic products. (In the process of recognition by the European Union)

OIA Accreditation Certificate

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Chile – Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG).

OIA is authorized to certify beef cuts destined to Chile according to Law N°19.162.

OIA is authorized to certify organic products in Chile, according to Law N° 20.089 “National System of Certification of Organic Agricultural Products”.

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Accredited by IOAS for IFOAM program, common international verification system that permits accredited certifiers to offer superior quality assurance sought by the organic markets.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Authorized by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) for the Canada Organic Regime (COR) under n° COR00906013, to certify organic products to be exported to Canada in compliance with the requirements of Canada Standards (CAN/CGSB 32.310) and the list of allowed products (CAN/CGSB 32.311).

Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS)

Accredited by IOAS for GOTS certification, under the following scope: textile mechanical processing (combing, carding, spinning, others) and by-products; wet processing (scouring, dyeing, others) finishing of garments and by-products; commercial operations and related products.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Accredited by USDA as a certification body for organic products complying with the National Organic Program (NOP) of the United States.

Cgcre (General Accreditation Coordination) of Inmetro, Brazil; Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil.

Authorized by Inmetro for issuing certificates of organic products in Brazil according to ABNT requirements (Brazilian Association for Technical Standards) ISO/IEC 17065:2012.

Soil Association

Recognized by Soil Association in the agreement of acceptance of organic meat and honey destined to the United Kingdom.

Bio Suisse

Recognized by Bio Suisse for the certification of organic products destined to Switzerland.

Assurance Services International (ASI)
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Accredited by ASI (Assurance Services International) in compliance with the criteria and principles of MSC Sustainable Fisheries certification, which certifies the sustainability of the fisheries system as a whole and traceability (custody chain) of products.

BRAF – Brazilian Institute of Fruits

Authorized by Ibraf to manage and provide the Sustainable Fruit Label, with the supervision of IBRAF’s Technical Committee.

Organic Trade Association (OTA)

OIA is member of OTA.

MAPO – Argentinian Movement for the Organic Production

OIA is founding partner and member of MAPO Board.

CACER (Argentinian Chamber of Entities Certifying Organic Food Products)

OIA is founding partner and member of CACER board.

Textile Exchange – Responsible Animal Fiber (RAF)

Accredited by the IOAS and approved by Textile Exchange for the certification of the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS), Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS) and Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS), for the scope of primary production (animal welfare, soil management, social responsibility) and chain of custody (traceable and correctly identified textile products throughout the commercial chain).

Regenerative Organic Alliance (ROA)

Accredited by Regenerative Organic Alliance (ROA) to certified Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC), a certification program that can be applied to food, fiber and personal care ingredients.