15 Dec 2022

The logo was approved for optional use for products undergoing the conversion period established by the Argentine Organic Standard.

The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, as of Resolution SAGyP 124/2022, officialized the creation of the “Organic Argentina in Conversion” Seal, to distinguish exclusively those products that produced and/or elaborated in the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC have the status of organic in conversion according to the terms established by Resolution SENASA 374/2016.
It should be noted, that said isologotype is complementary to the official seal “Organic Argentina” -created from Resolution ex-MAGyP 1291/2012- which identifies organic products that are produced in national territory according to Law No. 25,127 of Organic, Ecological or Biological Production.

Both logos are essential tools for the positioning of organic and in-conversion organic products in the local market, promoting their consumption through an easy and unequivocal way of identification, enhancing the supply and consequently diversifying the consumption of these differentiated foods.

To a greater extent, the initiative arose in the scope of the Advisory Commission for Organic Production, through the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Organic Production Sector 2030, agreeing to promote the voluntary use of the same in order to strengthen the production of approximately 30% of the producers who are currently undergoing the conversion period (Res. SENASA 374/2016, Art. 123, Section III).

Consulted about the initiative, the Undersecretary of Food, Bioeconomy and Regional Development -Mr. Luis Contigiani- pointed out that: “Organic Production is part of the Official Quality Certifications that this Secretariat promotes as tools for value addition and differentiation of Argentine agri-food production”. Namely, the other two official certifications are: Alimentos Argentinos Seal and Denominations of Origin and Geographical Indications.

Argentina is today among the world’s leading organic producers. With 3.6 million certified hectares (2nd worldwide), 1,854 certified operators, 275,000 hectares devoted to vegetable production, 96,476 hectares harvested, 143 thousand tons exported and a domestic market in full growth, this differentiated and sustainable production system currently represents a possible and profitable alternative that adds value to our food.


Source: alimentosargentinos