Current International Seminar “Animal welfare and phytotherapy in organic farming”
02 Mar 2021
The main differential component of organic animal production is the low use of synthetic drugs in animals derived from good hygiene practices and the use of therapeutic alternatives that are not dangerous for human health and the environment.
In line with this, the new international strategy of the European Commission “From Farm to Table” was born in 2020, which seeks a 50% reduction in the use of synthetic antibiotics in livestock. On the other hand, the European Green Pact intends that 25% of the total useful agricultural area is dedicated to organic farming in the current decade. The growing interest of consumers in organic production is associated with the value of animal welfare as the main attribute of these foods. In this regard, the use of medicinal plants of veterinary interest can play an important role in health and management conditions in organic farms.
To present the latest advances in studies on the effect of herbal medicine on animal health and welfare.
Address the use of animal welfare and veterinary phytotherapy in organic / organic production.
Generate a space for exchange and reflection that allows to address specific issues on animal welfare, herbal medicine and ecological / organic animal production in the future.
Access to the SEMINAR PROGRAM here
TRANSMISSION live on the Channel YouTube de la CIAO