OIA present in Expodieteticactiva 2022

12 Oct 2022

OIA was part of the largest diet expo in the country.

From September 17 to 18, the face-to-face edition of Expo Dietéticaactiva was held again in Pavilions 3 and 4 of the Costa Salguero Complex in the City of Buenos Aires. The event, which brought together more than 6,000 people including owners, decision-makers and other purchasing managers from Dietetics, Stores, Natural Stores and Herbalists from all over the country.

During the conference, OIA was present with its stand to publicize its work. And where visitors could obtain more information about organic production and certification. As well as participate for a basket with organic products.

Companies that trust OIA to be certified participated in the fair and were present with their stand at Expo Dietética 2022. They are: Nestle, Dicomere, Laur, Bamboo, Olivares y Viñedos San Nicolás Bioway, Chango and Walk.

Also, in the cycle of talks of the exhibition, Ing. Agr. Gabriel Berardinelli, Manager of Certification Programs – OIA and President of CACER – Argentine Chamber of Food, Organic and Related Products Certifiers-, spoke in the talk: “The Path to Organic Certification: Nestlé Case: the first Organic powdered milk from Argentina”. There the attendees were able to learn in detail the history of the development of organic milk under the Nido label. This brand was also chosen in 3rd place as the most remembered brand according to the choice of the participating public.