OIA presents its new website
02 Jul 2020
We continue to update ourselves to ensure the excellence of our service. That is why we designed a new site for you to find all the information about certification programs, certification regulations, the certification process, consumer information and much more information.
International Agricultural Organization (OIA), leader in certifying transparency and generating confidence in the quality of production, has launched its new website (https://www.oia.com.ar/). There you will find information regarding the importance of certification for your production.
OIA contributes to creating a bond of trust, security, guarantee and commitment between producer and consumer. For which we have developed for your company the certification of the programs: Aquaculture, Argentine Food, Quality Attributes, Good Agricultural Practices, Good Livestock Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices, Cosmetics, GLOBAL GAP, HACCP, Non-GMO, Organic, Sustainable Fishing , Organic Textile, Traceability and more. Additionally, you can download the certification regulations for FREE click here.
Also on our website you can obtain more information about how the certification process is carried out. As well as other services we provide (training, supplier evaluation, inspection and audits, and sampling), important information for the consumer, news of interest, among others.
Si tenés dudas o consultas, comunícate con nosotros, través de oia@oia.com.ar, nuestro equipo está a disposición para brindarles toda la ayuda necesaria para garantizar su certificación.