Protect, restore and renew the environment from land to shelf

16 Jun 2022

A food company developed the first organic powdered milk in Argentina, bets on sustainability and plans net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

The triple impact concept, introduced in 2006 to be able to identify truly positive actions on the part of companies, is based on the combination of environmental, social and economic axes.

Through this vision, companies can have a greater impact on the society in which they carry out their activities, as well as on the environment, without neglecting the result.

But while many pursue these goals, few can achieve this prestigious status, and furthermore, hardly anyone can condense all this work into one product.

Verónica Rosales, director of Communications and Public Affairs and Nestlé Sustainability Leader, told during the last edition of Infobae Talks: triple impact that sustainability has been central to Nestlé for decades and the company assumed very ambitious commitments in this regard.

“Among the most relevant we can mention that by 2025 we expect 100% of our packaging to be recyclable or reusable and to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To do this we have many activities that range from the responsible supply of ingredients that we use up to the recycling of our products”, he explained.

It is worth mentioning that last year Nestlé replaced all the plastic straws in its ready-to-drink products with paper straws, which meant that more than 10 million plastic straws stopped circulating on the market.

At the local level, the company also established an agreement with Cero Market, the first packaging-free supermarket in Argentina, to market products such as Nescafé, Nesquik and Maggi in a different way, that is, without packaging.

At the same time, it signed an agreement with the Government of the City of Buenos Aires for the collection in more than 70 fixed and mobile green points of post-consumer pet food containers, plastic coffee capsules and aluminum coffee capsules.

“Thanks to this we can collect waste that previously did not have a marketing and recycling circuit. We take care that these plastics and aluminum are recycled into new materials”, Rosales added.

Zero emissions

The Nestlé spokesperson also highlighted that the operations they carry out are increasingly cleaner, such as using renewable electricity, sustainable logistics and the transformation of the product portfolio, so that they have less environmental impact.

Under this premise, the first organic milk in Argentina was born, which combines the social aspect, understanding the new demands of consumers; the nutritional value that milk and calcium contribute to health; the primary productive dimension, since it required the associated work of agricultural producers who had to modify their processes; the environmental level, with the elimination of the use of agrochemicals and, consequently, less emission of greenhouse gases; and the economic one, since for the moment, it is a unique product on the gondola.

“Last year the company published our sustainability pledge. There we committed to developing large-scale regenerative food systems. This regeneration involves promoting agricultural practices that take into account soil health, fertility, biodiversity, sequestering carbon, and protecting natural resources, such as water,” Rosales said.

“The success story that exemplifies this philosophy is our organic milk which, based on this regenerative agriculture, involved working with 17 dairy farms and reconverting these productions to comply with all international organic production standards, which includes caring for the dairy ecosystem, respecting the natural behavior of the cows and not using agrochemicals or pesticides”, he added.

“We have large and ambitious objectives that imply that the entire company, at all levels and in all the countries where we operate, are working to achieve them”, concluded Rosales.

Source: Infobae

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Qué es la producción orgánica?

La Producción Orgánica en Argentina está regulada por la Ley 25.127, sus Decretos y Resoluciones, estando a su vez definida por organismos oficiales y privados internacionalmente reconocidos e incluye un sistema de certificación y control. Los términos orgánico, ecológico y biológico son sinónimos y solo podrán aplicarse a productos que cumplan con esta Ley.

Se trata de un sistema de producción sostenible que promueve el cuidado ambiental, mediante el fortalecimiento de la biodiversidad y la actividad biótica del suelo. Son además alimentos trazables, producto de un sistema de normas y fiscalización reconocido internacionalmente. La producción orgánica “combina tradición, innovación y ciencia para beneficio del ambiente compartido, promueve relaciones justas y una buena calidad de vida para todos aquellos que intervienen” (IFOAM, 2008).

Se basa en el uso mínimo de insumos externos, sin uso de fertilizantes y plaguicidas sintéticos, ni manipulación genética. Se utilizan métodos que minimizan la contaminación del aire, suelo y agua. Así los productores, manipuladores, procesadores y comerciantes de alimentos orgánicos se rigen por normas que mantienen su integridad.