Some mates with … Gustavo Miralles Director General of Argentbio S.R.L. and Argentbio Market
06 Jul 2022
This month we chatted with the founder of the Mendoza-based company that provides organic products for the local and international markets.
How was the company born?
Argentbio was born 26 years ago as an organic vegetable production project in the province of Mendoza. At that time we were looking to export the entire production to Europe. In our imprint we always seek to add value to the productive chain, producing in our own field. To later process, pack and market in the local and international market. In this time we have come a long way to become a reliable and continuous supplier of quality products.
What is your vision, mission and commitment in food production?
Our vision is to be a reliable supplier of organic products within a framework of respect and responsibility for the environment and its resources. In order to contribute to improving the quality of life of our employees and the community in general. The passion, dedication and responsibility of those who make up the Argentbio work team are the foundations of our company and the reason for our success. In addition, our mission is to provide the world with Argentine organic products, complying with the highest quality standards worldwide.
What characteristics make “Finca el Olmo” the ideal place to produce food?
Our farm is located in the Uco Valley in the Mendoza province at the foot of the Andes mountain range. This makes it a place specially chosen for its natural conditions, the purity of its waters from the thaws and the health of its land. What makes up a perfect place for the production of organic food. In the “Finca el Olmo” we have important extensions of land dedicated exclusively to organic production, in the same establishment the processing, packaging and consolidation of most of the products that are commercialized is carried out.
Why did you decide to turn to organic production?
In my previous job as an economist, I had had a first approach to the organic world. There I began to investigate and internalize myself about this healthy way of producing. When we analyzed the situation, we realized that we wanted to and could produce organically.
What other certifications do you have?
In addition to organic certification, we are GLOBALGAP certified.
What is the importance of certification?
Certification is very important to us, since it is the mechanism by which it allows us to demonstrate that we comply with the standards when producing food. Having a certification is a guarantee for the consumer and it provides us with an efficient and sustainable work scheme over time. In addition, certifications are very important when exporting, because it gives us the guarantee that we comply with current regulations.
What dry products do you offer and what are their characteristics?
Our line of fresh products is the following:
Sugar: We currently offer two varieties of organic sugar commonly known as light sugar (high polarity) and dark sugar (low polarity); Being able to meet different specifications and packaging requirements.
Organic Molasses: A mildly sweet and dense liquid by the product of sugar processing, made from organic sugar cane. Its dark brown color, very rich in natural compounds and completely free of any additive. Molasses is mainly used as a sweetener in baking, but also as an ingredient in livestock feed or for other industrial uses.
Organic cane honey: Dense honey with a light amber color and pleasant flavor, intended for all types of human diets. It is obtained through an investment of sugar juice. Cane sugar honey is a traditional sweetener, used in home cooking, poured over ice cream and other desserts commercially in the making of chocolate or other sweets.
Organic beans (Red, Kidney, Cranberry, Alubia and Black). Beans are the perfect crop for sugar producers using the rotation system.
Chia: Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods in the world. The seed is rich in nutrients that benefit the body and brain.
What fresh products do you offer and what are their characteristics?
While the fresh products we offer are:
Garlic: Our organic garlic is our main export product. Over the years, our brand has positioned itself as the best quality organic garlic on the market. We work with three well-defined varieties: Early White, it is a white garlic with a good and very white skin, good sizes and regular shape. Early purple, white with purple streaks, good skin and size, regular shape. Colorado, white skin and red teeth, medium and very regular size, excellent age.
Pumpkin: We have excellent experience in the production of different varieties of pumpkin, the characteristics of the soil (sandy loam) allow the development of an excellent quality product. The Butternut variety is focused on the English market, for which we pay special attention to the health, color, shape and size of the fruits, through a selection of the varietal seed, we obtain medium-sized and uniform fruits. In the Red Hokkaido variety, Argentbio was one of the pioneering companies in its production in Argentina, we exported a very important volume to cover the counter-season of the European market.
Onions: We offer different varieties of onions: Red Label: Intermediate day onion, planting August 20, harvest 2nd week of January, dark red color, storage capacity 3 months in ambient conditions. White Wing: Intermediate day onion, planting August 20, harvest 2nd week of January, white color, storage capacity 3 months in ambient conditions. Cobriza / Expression: Onion intermediate day, planting August 20, harvest first week of January. Very productive yellow/tan onion. Storage capacity 3 months in ambient conditions.
Organic Shallots: Argentbio is one of the few Shallots producers in Argentina and the only one in 100% organic conditions. Intense colours, firm and dry skin are outstanding quality characteristics of our products.
Carrots: we produce excellent carrots, with the use of precision machinery and the selection of specially selected varieties such as the Nayarit variety, a crop with high yield potential is obtained. Its roots are cylindrical, very uniform and heavy. Very rustic variety with strong foliage and high alternating resistance.
Green Apple: Granny Smith, vigorous tree, rapid entry into production. The fruit is bright green, it can turn to greenish yellow. The flavor is good with a tendency to acidity and slightly sugary and perfumed.
Beetroot: Very productive BORO variety, with a uniform harvest and high yield potential. Round, smooth bulbs with excellent external and internal color. It can be used for fresh market or industry
Red potato, Asterix variety: It is an elongated oval tuber, with red skin, yellow flesh, shallow eyes, high yield, medium-late maturity, quite resistant to mechanical damage. Cooking quality: Good dry matter content, good for cooking and French fries on sticks. Good keeping quality.
How is the commercialization in the internal market?
Starting in 2016, we began to venture into the domestic market, with the presence of horticultural products in local supermarkets such as Carrefour, Jumbo and Coto. These actions meant that we had to add some additional products to the ones we had been producing in order to have a more interesting offer. Thus, we currently generate 40% of our horticultural production to supply the local market in supermarkets and local buyers.
All the processing and packaging of the products is done on the farm. There we consolidate the production that is for the foreign market in containers. As well as the trucks that are for the domestic market. So we gather the orders from the clients, in such a way that we complete a truck and we bring that refrigerated truck from the farm to the Central Market. Then there we hire the service of a company that provides us with a cold warehouse, there we lower the merchandise and in a few hours the distribution of the products begins.
What actions do you carry out in export markets?
The commercial part abroad was developed thanks to the presence in fairs, business rounds, etc., which allowed us to know the demand. We have been established in this field for many years. Today 60% of our production is focused on the foreign market, mainly organic garlic. To achieve these results at the beginning of the season, production is planned and sales with customers are planned, according to a contract. For us, the process of harvesting, processing, packing and exporting is a constant activity.
How the consumer could know more about you?
We invite you to visit our website: As well as our Facebook: and Instagram:
What next steps does the company have?
9 months ago we are in a new project, called Argentbio Market and it is a derivation of Argentbio. What we are looking for with this new initiative is to be present with small-scale stores, located in large shopping centers. There consumers will be able to purchase healthy products, with a preponderance of organic products. That is why many organic producers from Argentina will be present in different areas. We are going to open one in Alto Palermo in mid-July and another in Shopping de Caballito in August. We are also already present at Mercat Villa (Thames 747, CABA) For more information, you can consult: and
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