Some mates with… Juan Mammoliti

31 Mar 2021

We chat with the President of Dicomere, a national company with a history of more than 20 years that today offers organic products.

What history does the company have?

Dicomere is a family SME that, for 30 years, with its transformations and adapting to new trends in the healthy market, has developed its activities in the southern area of ​​the province of Buenos Aires, Lanús. The beginning was carried out with a super wholesaler, which to this day is open to shops, where at that time dietary noodles and a limited assortment of legumes were sold.

As time went by, the own brand was developed to provide added value, acquiring machinery to the packaging and quality control of the products to be offered, reaching 4 factories with state-of-the-art technology and controls from the raw material to the release of the finished products, expanding the assortment to more than 1000 items from different categories of healthy products

What certifications do they have?

The company has ISO 9001: 2015 certification, WITHOUT TACC and organic OIA.How important is it? -Both the certifications and the authorizations of establishments and products were necessary to be able to access new markets that are much more competitive and offer our consumers security food and the endorsement of a serious company.

Why did you decide to turn to organic production?

For two years we have been certified by OIA as producers and marketers of organic products, but for a long time we have been investigating through our technical-agronomic department jointly with the quality area in this regard.The main motivation for this was to be able to combine with all our healthy products a sustainable and alternative production and agriculture model, keeping in mind the social inclusion and the roots of the producers with whom we participate in the various projects.

What are the benefits of organic production?

We were very important to be able to offer all consumers noble products in every sense without the intervention of fertilizers, chemical pesticides or herbicides, preserving the original flavor and freshness.

What products are part of the organic line?

Today our line of organic products is composed of:

  • Honey

  • Olive oil

  • Whole wheat flour

  • Sugars

And soon different alternative flours.

What is the conventional product line?

Our line of healthy products is divided into different families:

  • Cereals

  • Seeds

  • Vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Dried Fruits

  • Special Flours

  • Spice

  • Dehydrated Foods

  • Gluten free products

  • Organic products

  • Reduced Sodium and Marine Salts

  • Pastry Products Medicinal and aromatic herbs

What are the distribution channels for the products?

We have our own logistics to offer our products in GBA Sur, GBA Norte, GBA Oeste, CABA and throughout the country through transportation. On the other hand, we work with the main distributors in the market to be able to reach every home in the country.

How can the consumer get more information?

You can know all our launches and news on social networks:

Instagram: @dicomereOK

Facebook: /dicomere

Or through our email box

What plans does the company have for this 2021?

We are currently about to launch the most complete line of alternative gluten-free and organic flours on the market.

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