Some mates with… Matias Rafael
05 May 2021
We chat with Matias Rafael, General Director of Beepure, a company that produces natural foods.
What is the history of the company?
BEEPURE arose from the personal beekeeping project of the founding partners. Driven by this passion, a couple of brands emerged before BEEPURE, until finally the challenge of communicating a product differently on the shelf was clear. In 2015, together with the designer, another of the partners, BEEPURE honey came out in a frosted glass jar, without labels: you only had to see the product to understand it. Always with the idea of transmitting a message of transparency (“what you see is what it is: real food”). The concept was extended to other categories; first the sweets, the mascabo, the vegan burgers, until today when we have already added more than 70 products! Today, four partners and a team of more than 20 people make up this family that works hard every day in our factory in Villa Lynch.
What are your values?
At BEEPURE we have important values:
Authenticity: We opt for pure ingredients and natural recipes.
Quality: we work with selected raw materials.
Commitment: with ourselves, with our clients and society.
Passion: we do what we like and we believe in what we do.
What is the range of products that you have?
We have more than 70 products, within the categories honey, sweeteners, artisan sweets, granola and nuts, cookies, butter and oils, gourmet line, frozen, ice cream, drinks and coffee; and the BYNA line! legume and farinaceous.
What organic products do you sell?
Regarding organic we commercialize:
Stevia-based sweetener
Brown sugar
Malbec wine without sulfites
Malbec Roble Wine
Malbec Rosé Wine
Cabernet Sauvignon wine without sulfites
White bean
Black bean
Red bean
Yamani rice
Integral rice
White rice
Garbanzo beans
Whole wheat flour
How is your production process?
We develop an organic sweetener and organic artisan sweets. In the case of the sweetener, a factory specialized in the development of these products was hired and then the packaging process is carried out, it is a product with very high added value. The organic artisan sweets, we make them in our plant and the fruit is brought from the Bag, raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries.
In addition, we have lines of dry products (flour, brown sugar, legumes) that we are fractionators, that is, we buy from producers and we focus on carrying out the task of packaging, storage and distribution. We also use many of these dry products to make other BEEPURE brand products, such as stone pizzas that use organic whole wheat flour.
Could you give us a tip on how to consume it?
Tips for consuming legumes: as it is sometimes very cumbersome to do the entire cooking process (soak 24 hours, cook for 1 to 2 hours), we suggest doing it once in quantity and freezing in portions to always have a handful of legumes on hand ready to eat. In the account @naturalmentealimentos we offer a series of recipes, super easy to prepare and delicious.
How important is organic certification?
It is super important! It is the way of transmitting reliable information to an increasingly attentive consumer who is looking for natural and organic food. In addition, the seal is a channel to make organic production visible and to push so that the products available in the market are more and more accessible.
What are the benefits of organic production?
The benefit of organic production is that pesticides are not used in the growing processes of different foods, that is, the foods are free of pesticides, they are healthy and rich.
What is the catalog of corporate gifts?
We have several proposals in handmade wooden drawers and others in kraft boxes, with different mix of products and themes, adapted to different budgets. All our options can be customized with the customer’s logo, laser engraved on the wooden boxes or printed on the kraft ones. We also put together custom options!
What are your selling points?
They find us in dietetics across the country. On there are some outlets.
We also have a network of BEEPURE Points, spaces where the complete line of the brand is worked. We have POINTs in Campana, Canning, Cariló, Chacarita, City Bell, Ituzaingó, Jujuy, Las Heras (Santa Cruz), Martínez, Mendoza, Microcentro (Callao), San Isidro, San Miguel de Tucumán, Santa Rosa (La Pampa), Villa Urquiza, Zárate.
In they get the products online.
Distributor for small and medium businesses:
Sales to distributors and
How can the consumer get more information?
You can write to us or Instagram: @beepureoficial.
What are the next goals for the company?
Keep adding new products.
Nos estamos preparando para exportar (es un objetivo a mediano/largo plazo).