The area for organic production grew and reached 4.4 million hectares
11 Apr 2021
Of the total of 132 thousand tons of certified organic products, 97% (128.6 thousand tons) were destined for export.
During 2020, 132 thousand tons of organic production were certified in Argentina. In addition, the number of establishments and the surface dedicated to this activity grew and 20% more was harvested than in 2019, sustaining the positive trend of the last decade, reported the National Service of Health and Food Quality (Senasa). The annual report on the Situation of Organic Production in Argentina prepared by Senasa, indicates that the 1,343 organic primary establishments throughout the country existing in 2020 show a sustained recovery since 2015 in the number of enterprises dedicated to this activity.
In this sense, the area under monitoring for organic production grew and reached 4.4 million hectares. The largest surface in the last 20 years.
Likewise, cattle and sheep stocks grew again, highlighting the increase in the herd of dairy cows for a still incipient dairy activity.During last year a total of 84,328 ha of organic crops were harvested (20% more than in 2019 ), sustaining the long-term positive trend of the last 10 years.
Of the total of 132 thousand tons of certified organic products, 97% (128.6 thousand tons) were destined for export. The main markets to which Argentine organic production was sent were the European Union and the United States; while the local market continues to show signs of growth.
The largest volume of exports is made up of cereals and oilseeds (wheat and soybeans), fruits (pear and apple), vegetables (garlic) and industrialized products (sugar and wine). Adding to this group in 2020 the concentrated apple juice, cranberry and white and brown rice.
Source: Clarin