The INV published a report on Argentine Organic Wine Products
15 Jun 2022
Organic products are not the future, they are the present.
The INV Statistical Laboratory prepared a special report on Organic Wine Products, in this regard the president of the National Organization, Martín Hinojosa commented that “for the first time as of the 2022 campaign, we began to collect data on the entry of organic grapes to the processing establishments of wine and must in the country”. “The provisional data of the 2022 campaign indicate that there were 142 establishments that entered organic grapes for a total of 706,171 quintals. Mendoza received 60.9% of that total, La Rioja is the second in importance with 18.6% and San Juan in third place with 17.9%”.
Hinojosa explained that “during this pandemic, greater awareness was generated for the care of the planet and a healthier diet and with this the demand for organic wines has increased considerably, accelerating a trend that was already seen in the different markets. On the other hand, side, the search for new marketing horizons, new markets and innovative and differential products means that the sales of these products continue to grow in value and volume”.
The report indicates that during the year 2021, 11.1 million liters of organic wine, 2.4 million liters of organic concentrated must and 887 tons of organic raisins were exported. In the last year, exports of the three products grew with respect to the previous year. It is worth noting the 146% increase in exports of organic must that occurred in the last year compared to 2020 and were mainly destined for the United States. Organic wine exports increased 6.4% and raisin exports 40.8% compared to 2020.
Wine is the second exported organic product of plant origin, after cane sugar in Argentina, and is mainly destined for Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Germany. Hinojosa highlighted that “Argentina, in addition to organic wine, exports organic must and raisins.”
This first INV report highlights that Argentina has 9,300 ha harvested with organic grapes, which represents 4.4% of the total cultivated. Organic vine production in our country increases at a rate of 38% per year (average 2018-2021).
Hinojosa announced that “achieving a good production of organic grapes with yields comparable to conventional crops is the next goal to meet. Choosing the right varieties, soils, and fertilizers will make the costs equal to or even lower than the rest of the crops.” .
“The demand exists and it does not stop growing, organic products are not the future, they are the present” Hinojosa concluded.
Source: Argentina.gob