They got together and are going to convene scientists to inventory the content of agrochemicals in soils, water and organisms
11 Nov 2020
Basterra, Salvarezza, Cabandié and Vera have already met to advance the “Inventory for Sustainable Production”.
This Tuesday, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation, Roberto Salvarezza, met with the Ministers of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Luis Basterra and of Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Cabandié, and the head of the Unit of Cabinet of Science and Technology Advisors, Carolina Vera, to finalize details about the Inventory of Use of Agrochemicals.
After this meeting, the proposal will be addressed to researchers and technologists and technologists who have the results of research and / or technological developments aimed at measuring and / or estimating the content of agrochemicals in soils, water, air and biological organisms. The information that results from it will be an input to analyze and contribute to the development of forms of sustainable production that allow the opening of new markets for organic and agroecological production, and that result in social, economic and environmental benefits.
Salvarezza explained that “the idea is to have a first approximation to the current state of the use of agrochemicals since Argentina has to go out to win new markets based on a production in line with environmental care”.
In this sense, Basterra stated that it is necessary to take advantage of the full potential of research and innovation to improve current productive capacities.
For her part, Vera explained that “there are various research groups that throughout the country measure the content of agrochemicals in the environment. Through the inventory we will integrate and expand their capacities and actions ”.
Source: Infocampo