We suggest 9 sustainable habits to put into practice this year
26 Jan 2022
Some easy and practical ideas for you to put into action in your daily routine
According to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the last seven years are on track to be the seven warmest on record. That same report -based on data from the first nine months of 2021- maintains that the year that passed the planet had record concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which leads us into uncharted climate territory for current generations. and future.
While the future seems bleak, it is key to know that all is not lost: we are still in time to stop the catastrophe that is coming. For this we have to rethink the way we consume and relate to resources. Here are some ideas of what you can do from your place:
Repair, donate, reuse
One of the best things we can do for the planet is to stop extracting raw materials. When we stop generating new waste and take advantage of what we have at hand, we give the planet a break: time to heal and regenerate. The hinge moment is when we decide that we are no longer going to use a product or container. Before discarding it, check if it cannot be repaired. When something breaks, the problem is usually in a small part or mechanism. If you don’t know how to replace it, you just have to look for the repair clubs that are on Instagram or Facebook. You can also choose to publish what you no longer use for $0 in the Market place, donate it (there are thousands of NGOs collecting things) or simply think about how you can reuse it for another purpose.
Organic Compost
It is simple to do and it is an activity suitable for tiny balconies. There are thousands of tutorials posted everywhere. When we compost we substantially reduce gas emissions and prevent our ecosystems from collapsing due to the large amount of waste that we deposit in them every day. In addition, when you compost correctly, no odor is generated and you can even generate earthworm humus, one of the best fertilizers that exist for plants. An expert key? Buy a compost mixer to keep unwanted bugs at bay and make sure the compost bin has drainage.
Buy local and station
We get tired of hearing this from the mouths of the most respected chefs. It is not only because the result of your meals will be tastier, but it is also more sustainable because you save the planet a lot of pollution due to transportation. Bananas from Ecuador or national bananas grown in Misiones? That is the question. The local ones may not be giant and super yellow, but they are just as tasty. If we are going to the best of all worlds, the best is going to be everything that you can grow and harvest yourself, in your very home. If that is not an option ((not all of us have the time, nor the desire, nor the skills to do it) the best thing you can do is to contact a local producer who will let you know about the traceability of their products (in where are they grown? Under what conditions?) and to inform you about the fruits and vegetables of the season and deliver them to you in a bag.
Consume organic
Since they avoid pollution and favor biodiversity. Organic foods, by dispensing with chemical substances, avoid air, soil and water pollution. In addition, by using more respectful techniques, they generate an increase in the biological activity of the soil.
Avoid unnecessary consumption
We need to cut it with consumerism: cut back, stop shopping for shopping’s sake, and really ask ourselves if we need whatever it is that we’re about to take home. A good start is to identify the things we buy frequently and set a goal to do so more consciously. Do you really need another t-shirt / decoration object / “complete with the product that obsesses you” more? This applies especially when we talk about electrical appliances, which are especially polluting and affect both ecosystems and people.
Recycle and learn about recycling
Even though we are in 2022, there are still many people who do not separate waste at source and conscientiously, in many cases, because their localities do not have recycling programs, something that can be solved with individual responsibility. The reality is that the better separated the waste is, the easier it is for it to be recycled: paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass that no longer serve us can become raw material for new products. For that to happen we have to make a correct separation in all areas where we move or have influence. It’s not just about separating them (always leaving them clean and dry), we also have to be aware of where they go. If our municipality does not take responsibility, (in addition to demanding that they do so) it is up to us to find out where we can take them to recover them, or coordinate with a cooperative to pick them up.
Cook more
The reality is that everything we do NOT prepare at home implies a greater use of disposables. It’s not about becoming Laura Ingalls, but keep in mind that every time you choose to make homemade bread or yogurt, you saved the planet two or three single-use plastics. This rule applies especially to delivery, which generates a lot of waste, such as straws, plastic wrap and plastic cutlery or plates, which may seem very practical, but pollute a lot. And remember, if you are going to ask for delivery, favor brands that have sustainable or reusable packaging.
Take care of the energy you consume
Appliances account for almost half of the energy used in an average home, which is why it is key to rethink the way we use them. It seems silly, but keeping them unplugged makes a difference (this is what is called “phantom consumption”). Another very important action when buying new appliances is to choose those that are type A, which consume 50% less energy than older ones. To give you an idea, the B consume between 50 and 25% less, the D and E are considered to have an average consumption and the F -the oldest- consume between 10 and 25% MORE than the average . Finally, always choose electronics that have rechargeable batteries, and not those that use batteries, which are very polluting.
Stop wasting water
The fact that we have it widely available in most places in our country does not make it any less valuable. Concrete examples to save it? Not leaving the water running neither when we brush our teeth nor when we wash the dishes, take quick showers instead of soaking baths, always use the washing machine and the dishwasher with a full load and fix the little skins of the dripping faucets, which can represent a loss of up to 80 liters of water per day.
Source: La Nacion – OHLALA