

The organic agriculture is a production system free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers; it promotes the sustainability of systems and the preservation of natural resources. Organic, biologic and ecologic are considered synonyms.

OIA has different organic certification programs according to the destination markets:

  • Argentina
  • European Union
  • Brazil
  • United States
  • Switzerland
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • China
  • Korea
  • Chile
  • Other markets
How is the organic certification process?

The process begins when the producer, processor and / or marketer meets with OIA to present the project to be certified. In this first stage, the project is analyzed and the low standards are selected, which will begin the certification process.

Then the producer, processor and / or marketer completes and submits a certification application form, which is reviewed by OIA. If the certification request is approved, a signature of a contract or certification agreement is signed. Once this stage has been completed, the exchange of documentation and information between the client and OIA is carried out, as required by the certification program.

Next, an inspection is carried out at the customer’s establishment. The inspection consists of the visit of a qualified inspector, who evaluates compliance with the requirements established in the regulations to be certified. Once the inspection has been completed, the inspector prepares a report with the result of the inspection. In case the inspection has found a breach of the regulations (non-compliance), the client must take appropriate measures to correct this breach and prevent it from recurring in the future (corrective action)

The OIA technical area reviews the inspection report and the documentation presented by the client. If the result of the review are positive, OIA dictates the client’s certification and delivers a certificate as a formal document proving the certification.

This cycle restarts the following year, from the documentation exchange stage, in a process called supervision.

In Argentina

 Since 1991 OIA has offered an organic certification program for products destined to the domestic market.  This certification can be applied on different stages: primary production, processing and marketing.

In 1998, National Law No. 25.127 for the Organic Production was passed, and Argentina was one of the first countries in the world to have a law to regulate this type of productions.

OIA has been authorized by SENASA, has the EU recognition and is accredited by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) to certify organic productions. These accreditations allow OIA to certify the main agricultural and cattle productions in our country and the associated industries (dairy, meat, honey, cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, aromatic herbs, fruits, flours, oils, juices, pulps, wines, processed products, etc.) reaching over 3,000,000 hectares under certification.

Argentina is considered as third country equivalent for the certification of organic products destined to the European Union.

OIA offers an experienced and qualified certification service for all agribusiness areas, including animal and vegetal products, food and beverages processing, textiles and cosmetics, among others.

European Union

OIA is recognized by the European Union to certify organic products in third countries that do not have an equivalence agreement with the EU. The scope of this recognition can be consulted in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2325

OIA conducts its operations in both Spanish and English. For this reason, applicants are required to understand and communicate orally and in writing in at least one of these two languages for their certification request to be accepted, regardless of the country where they are located.”


In 2002, Organización Internacional Agropecuaria – OIA opened Sao Pablo branch office in Brazil.  This office started to certify for the domestic Brazilian market and jointly with OIA Argentina, for global markets as well.

On January 2011 was passed the new organic Brazilian law N° 10.831.

OIA offers an experienced and qualified certification service for all agribusiness areas, including animal and vegetal products, food and beverages processing, textiles and cosmetics, among others.

United States

Since October 2002, the organic products destined to the United States must comply with the NOP (National Organic Program). This program is regulated by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), an entity that has accredited OIA to certify products under their standards.

OIA was the first Argentine certification body accredited by the USDA, and was recognized before the limit date set by the USDA, which allowed our customers to export their products to the USA.

OIA certifies NOP projects outside Argentina (in Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Nicaragua, among others.)

The United States signed an agreement with Canada, which establishes the equivalence between the USDA-NOP standard of the United States and the COR standard of Canada. This agreement allows any organic product certified under the COR (Canadian Organic Regime) standard to enter the American market and vice versa.


BIO SUISSE is a private association of Swiss organic farmers.  It provides a seal to those foreign products which comply with the EU organic standards and conditions referred to market policies.

OIA is accredited by BIO SUISSE to certify products destined to the Swiss market.

If you wish to obtain this certification, it is important to take the following points into account:

  • Switzerland only imports products that are not produced by their farmers or that they produce in insufficient quantities.
  • The exporting company must have a Swiss buyer.
  • Air transport is prohibited.
  • The product transformation is carried out in Switzerland, as long as it is possible and reasonable.
  • The product flow is strictly monitored (they test each product traceability from primary producer to end).

For more information, please visit:


OIA has been accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency since the COR – Canadian Organic Regime – start up, to certify organic products in compliance with this standard requirements.

Canada signed and equivalence agreement with the United States so that all products NOP (National Organic Program) certified can enter the Canadian market, and vice versa.

For more information, please visit:


The certification scheme for organic products in Japan (JAS – Japanese Agricultural Standard) has been put into effect in April 2001. Argentina has achieved recognition of equivalence with the JAS standard.

This equivalence means that any product certified by the Argentine standard may enter Japan only with the presentation of the Argentine certificate.

The advantage of this agreement is to be able to access the Japanese market by certifying the Argentine norm. It only considers products of plant origin and their processed. Animal production and alcoholic beverages are excluded.

OIA has also signed a cooperation agreement with the Japanese certifier JONA (JAPAN ORGANIC AND NATURAL FOOD ASSOCIATION) for the certification of products under the Organic Standard of Japan.


OIA has signed a cooperation agreement with the Korean certifier DCOK (DOALNARA CERTIFIED ORGANIC KOREA) for the certification of products under the Organic Standard of Korea.


Since June 2023 OIA is authorized by the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) as a certification body for organic products in Chile, in accordance with Law No. 20.089, which establishes the “National Certification System for Organic Agricultural Products”.

We are authorized to certify organic products in the following scopes:

– Agricultural

– Livestock

– Beekeeping

– Wines

– Processed Products


Since December 2022 OIA is authorized to certify Regenerative Organic Certified, accredited by the Regenerative Organic Alliance (ROA), founded by Patagonia provisions, Patagonia, Dr. Bronners ALL-ONE and the Rodale Institute.

It is important to highlight that in order to obtain this certification it will be necessary to be certified by the USDA-NOP Standard, since this standard is used as a reference.

Learn more about this program by clicking here.



What are the organic products?
They are products obtained from sustainable production systems. This implies:

  • the rational use of natural resources;
  • not using products of chemical synthesis (pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides among others);
  • increasing and/or maintaining fertility;
  • increasing and/or maintaining biodiversity;
  • keeping records which back up an adequate management.

An organic product must keep identity and integrity and must be certified by OIA.

Why to produce and consume organic food?

For farmers/producers:

  • Keeps the system’s sustainability avoiding pollution and erosion.
  • Allows the farmer to stop applying highly technological systems that depend on chemical inputs.
  • Producers can access markets with a differentiated product.

For consumers:

  • Organic products are healthy food.
  • By consuming them, there is an indirect care for the environment.
  • Organic products are easy to identify and are guaranteed.
Who certifies organic products?

OIA is a certification body that offers this service as a result of its international accreditations. OIA verifies and controls the compliance of organic standards, requesting updated registers, arranging inspections, checking the standards’ compliance and finally granting the certification seal and issuing certificates to those products or processes which comply with the requirements.

What are OIA’s accreditations to certify organic products?
OIA holds many accreditations and national and international authorizations. For more details, see Accreditations.
Can I export to the European Union OIA’s certified products?

Yes, OIA has been recognized by the European Union according to Regulation No. 508 to issue certificates for that destiny directly without needing re-certifications.

What is IFOAM?

IFOAM is the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements, entity which sets the basic criteria for this production system.

IFOAM represents the global movement towards ecologic agriculture and it is a platform of international exchange and cooperation.

IFOAM is committed to the complete development of ecologic agricultural systems, which includes the preservation of the environment and the respect of the needs of humanity.

What’s the significance of an IFOAM member?

Any person or company can be an IFOAM member. By becoming a member, the person or company supports this entity and its international work on Organic Agriculture.

What’s the meaning of ACCREDITED by IFOAM?

OIA’s accreditation by IFOAM means a recognition of our working way and certification quality.

What is the relationship of OIA and IFOAM?

OIA is member of IFOAM, and also has been ACCREDITED by that entity.

Where can I get the organic production standards?

You can download them for free or request them by e-mail:

Where can I get a list of permitted and prohibited inputs?

In the different organic production standards, there is a list of permitted and prohibited inputs.

How is the marketing of an organic product?

An organic product always has to be marketed with the support of a certificate which reflects the compliance of the organic standards in all the production stages, from the raw material production up to the final product. The certifier never participates in the commercial chain.

What other advantages receives an organic producer?

Besides commercial advantages and the care of the environment, an organic producer can access different markets and participate in a commercial chain different from conventional products.

Can GMO or transgenic products be used in organic agriculture?

No, GMO or Transgenic products are prohibited in organic agriculture.

“Genetically modified organism’ (GMO) implies an organism whose genetic material has been altered in a way which does not correspond to natural mating and/or recombination mechanisms.

You can find more information in our section: Preserved Identity Certification Program – NON GMO

What are the applicable Control Measures for the Certification Program OIA EU?

OIA performs at least one inspection during the year to each operator under certification in order to assess compliance with the regulations. According to the requirements of the European Union, in addition to the annual inspection, operators can receive additional inspections, which can be announced or unannounced. The selection of the operators to receive an additional inspection, whether this is announced or unannounced, is based on the Risk Level of each operator and also on the random selection.

To determine the Risk Level of each operator, annually OIA performs an assessment of the probability of occurrence of non-compliance to the organic regulations that affect the organic integrity of the products, the severity of their effects and the vulnerability of the environment.

The European Union requirements for additional inspections and unannounced inspections are as follows:

  • Additional Inspections: Certification bodies must carry out additional inspections of at least 10% of the operators under monitoring.
  • Unannounced Inspections: At least 10% of the total inspections planned by the certification body must be unannounced.

On the other hand, OIA annually prepares a Sampling Plan that details the planning of the sampling that operators will receive to analyze the presence of unauthorized products in organic production. According to the requirements of the European Union, the certification bodies must carry out samples of at least 5% of the operators under certification. The selection of operators to be sampled is based on the Risk Level of each operator and also on random selection. However, OIA will take samples in cases where there is suspicion of using products or techniques not authorized by the organic standard.

Additional details can be consulted in the OIA Manual “Requirements of the Certification and Audit System”, available for download in the Standards Download section.


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