Consumer Information

What is OIA’s certification?

It is a tool for producers or processors to guarantee a food product’s quality, becoming a nexus between the producer and the consumer.

How important is to become certified
  • OIA’s certification offers added value to a product, setting a quality difference regarding other products.
  • As OIA’s certification is a third-party one, it contributes to create bonds of trust, security and commitment between producers and consumers.
  • OIA’s certification provides access to markets.
  • This certification guarantees the compliance of a management model organized according to a set of rules.
Why to consume certified products?

Because they are assessed by an independent third-party (OIA), offering reliability, security and quality guarantee to the consumer. A consumer of certified products chooses quality products with added value, prioritizing health, food security and the environment.

How to identify OIA’s certified products?

OIA’s certified products are those which include OIA quality seal in their label that also details the verified quality protocol.

Where can I buy OIA’s certified products?

OIA’s certified products are sold in many national and international sale points: supermarkets, local markets, specialized shops, city markets, delivery shops and restaurants, among others.

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