Quality Attributes


Facing the growing domestic and international demand of certified products, the Food Quality Attributes Certification Program provides a powerful tool to differentiate agrifood products and acts as a basic quality guarantee demanded by world markets.

OIA is the first certification body authorized by Senasa (National Food Health and Quality Service) under the National Food Quality Certification Program, to audit for this program which can be applied to all kind of food products marketed in Argentina or in any other part of the world.

OIA offers two types of certification within the Food Quality Attributes Program:

  1. SENASA Resolution 280 (only for Argentine companies)
  2. Private Protocol

Once certified, the operator may refer to the quality attributes in the product label, especially the product which has differential characteristics from other similar products.

In addition, it has a 0.5% return benefit on exports on products with the attribute.

What are this program advantages?

 The certified producer and/or manufacturer improve profitability and efficiency by providing a differential product with added value and a notable place in the market.

Who can obtain the certification?

This Program is ideal for producers and/or manufacturers seeking to guarantee the differential quality attributes of their food products. In the case of Senasa’s Resolution 280, the certification is exclusive for operators within the Argentine Republic; however their food products can be marketed in Argentina or in any part of the world. In the case of the Private Protocol, the same general rules apply, but it can be requested by any national or international operator which has a differential attribute.

How is the process to get the sea lof OIA Certified Quality of Attributes?
  1. The process starts when the Argentine food producer and/or manufacturer meet OIA’s representatives to introduce his/her project and verify if there is a quality attribute to certificate.  The certification process for Food Quality Resolution 280 and for Private Protocol version are similar, the difference is that in the case of Res. 280, SENASA participates in the approval of the attribute, being OIA the one that audits and certifies.
  2. After the certification request and signature of contract between OIA and the customer, there is an exchange of documents and information as required by the certification program.
  3. After the inspection, a report is prepared to be reviewed and analyzed by the Technical Department and the OIA DirectIon. The customer will be certified after a positive report without non-compliances.
  4. Finally, after approving the first certification, a system of supervision and evaluation of the operation is established to maintain the validity of the certification.



What is SENASA?
Senasa is the National Food Health and Quality Service entity of the Agroindustry Secretary in charge of implementing the national policies regarding animal and vegetal health and quality and to verify the compliance of present national standards.
What is the relationship between OIA and Senasa?

OIA, as a certification entity, was the first certifier authorized by Senasa to certify the National Program for the Certification of Food Quality Attributes under Senasa Resolution N° 280/2001 in the National Register of Certification Entities for Food Quality N° 001. Also, OIA has been authorized by Senasa to certify organic animal and vegetable products, Preserved Identity, Non GMOs, among other certifications.

Why to certify Quality Attributes with OIA?

Besides being the first authorized certifier by Senasa for the National Food Quality Certification Program, OIA’s professional team provides the operator a qualified service, reliable and transparent throughout all the certification process. OIA is a leading company highly regarded on the certification of agricultural products, with over 25 years of corporate history. It provides audit services for a wide range of Certification Programs, based on national and international accreditations. OIA interacts with the main area referents and is member of several entities and associations.

What is the difference between Resolution 280 and Private Protocol for the certification of Food Quality Attributes?
OIA offers two types of certification within the Food Quality Attributes Program: SENASA Resolution 280 and Private Protocol versions.SENASA Resolution 280/01: The quality attribute protocol is official. SENASA intervenes in the certification process through the approval of the attribute. This certification is exclusively for companies in the Argentine Republic and can be applied to all types of food marketed in Argentina and / or anywhere in the world. In this case, the protocol is public.Private Protocol: The quality attribute protocol is not official. This certification can be requested by any agro-food company in Argentina and the world that wishes to highlight a quality that differentiates its product. In this case, the protocol is not public.


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