Winegrowing Sustainable Protocol of Argentine Wineries


The Winegrowing Sustainable Protocol of Argentine Wineries aims to strengthen the environmental, social and economic sustainability and competitiveness of the Argentine wine industry in the long term.

OIA, a leading certification company, is authorized to certify the Winegrowing Sustainable Protocol of Argentine Wineries

Who can obtain the certification?

The scope of the Program is the entire wine industry, throughout the country, including the wine sector, wineries, companies producing must, fresh grapes, raisins, marketing companies, associations, academic entities, control entities, governments, etc. It is applicable to all wine companies, from a small vineyard or family-owned winery to a multinational corporation to clearly define a sustainability strategy.

What are the advantages?

– Improve the competitiveness and added value of Argentine wines.
– To voluntarily establish high standards of sustainable practices, to be carried out by the entire wine community.
– Educate about the importance of sustainable practices in vineyards and wineries.
– To face eventual threats of trade restrictions derived from environmental regulations.
– Adopt measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

How is the process of certification?
  1. The process starts when the producer introduces to OIA the project to be certified
  2. After the certification request and signature of contract between OIA and the customer, there is an exchange of documents and information as required by the certification program
  3. After the inspection, an inspection report is made and there may or may not appear non-compliances. The customer is certified after a positive report without non-compliances.
  4. Then, the cycle restarts for supervision



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