Organic yerba mate in full productive growth
15 Nov 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture and Production promotes the Provincial Board of Organic Production that includes both the public and private sectors, taking into account that yerba mate has a certification system from cultivation to packaging and distribution of the product.
In just over a year, the production of organic yerba mate grew by 6% in the province of Misiones. In 2020, the province registered some 1,100 hectares of certified production, this seal allows not only to secure markets, but also to improve prices. While there are some 2,076 hectares with a request for certification, this means that the organic area could triple during 2021-2022.
The production of certified organic yerba mate in the province of Misiones is an economy that represents 2.8% of all regional economies in the country. The Ministry of Agriculture and Production promotes the Provincial Board of Organic Production that includes both the public and private sectors, taking into account that yerba mate has a certification system from cultivation to packaging and distribution of the product.
These data arise from the Advisory Commission for Organic Production, created by Law 25,127 and coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, this commission constitutes the public – private sphere where the strengthening and development of the organic sector is articulated Argentinian. The Ministry of Agriculture and Production is part of said commission and in this way joins the Strategic Plan for Organic Production 2030. The authority that applies the aforementioned law is Senasa, qualifying and auditing the independent certifying companies that are the ones they verify through audits the activities of the productive establishments.
Sebastian Oriozabala, Minister of Agriculture and Production of the province of Misiones, stressed that “the government of Misiones executes a work plan so that economic and productive activities are sustainable and can be developed while mitigating the environmental impact.” In addition to promoting the environmental adaptation of agro-industries, training and policies oriented to the sector, this year two yerba companies with organic certification were distinguished with the Order of Mate. In the same context, the minister added: “We want to give visibility and value this work that distinguishes a regional economy that is part of our customs, that is inserted in new markets and is now the standard of organic production.”
The production of organic yerba mate after grinding is 213,594 kilos, of which 66% is destined for export; its main destination is the United States (32%), then Germany (27%) and finally the United Kingdom (9.6%).
For her part, the Undersecretary of Plant Development and Production, Luciana Imbrogno, indicated: “The organic production seal is a differentiation and value-added tool that directly impacts consumer confidence,” referring to the importance of the production objective. organic throughout its production chain and “caring for the environment, natural resources and people, both workers and consumers, while maintaining biodiversity.”
At this time there are 34 certified establishments registered between primary producers and processors. Among them there are 3 cooperatives that guarantee the traceability of the product: The Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Montecarlo Ltda., The Ruiz de Montoya Ltda. Cooperative and the Biodynamic Agricultural Cooperative La Abundancia Ltda. of Puerto Rico; in addition to the Alberto Roth Foundation and other private establishments, as reported by Luciana Imbrogno.
According to the Inter-American Commission on Organic Agriculture, this production system collaborates in at least 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals; and directly with the goals of zero hunger, sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption.
Taking into account that the volume of production in our country is not enough to be able to supply the markets in a massive way, the price of the finished product in a gondola is much higher than that of traditional yerba mate, the difference in cost is between 30 and 40%.
All these data make up the diagnosis with which it is sought to start the Provincial Organic Production Board to promote activity in Misiones.
Source: El Agrario